Self-control could be the hardest thing in life to master. Many have made a decision to do better, but could not master the challenge of self-control. A bad habit, an obnoxious attitude, overwhelming addiction, uncontrolled desires, or a loose tongue keeps setting them back. We promise ourselves and others that we are going to do differently, that the last time will be the last time, and we continually fall on our face. We ask others to hold us accountable, but deep within we know that we do not have the power to change. We talk, we make plans, we read books that are supposed to help, but we just can’t defeat those feelings when they rise up. GUESS WHAT? We were all in that same boat! The only way to have self-control is to have self-surrender and allow God to control our desires and habits. Self-control is not obtained by our efforts, it is gained through surrendering our life’s control system to the Holy Spirit to pilot everyday. (Galatians 5:16 So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.) Self-control is the key ingredient to great character. Self-control keeps us from making permanently damaging decisions based on temporary feelings. Again I will tell you, the Fruit of the Spirit….Self-Control is not weakness, it is a sign of being one of the strongest soldiers God has in His army. A person with self-control can be depended on in the most difficult situations. God is more interested in your Self-Surrender than He is in your abilities. GIVE UP!! Find real life! Pastor Don