The older we get in life the harder it seems to be to listen and follow directions. We become so accustomed to doing things our way that we don’t listen to others advice in dealing with situations. How many times have you gotten up in the morning with something hurting and it bother us all day long. It affects everything we attempt to do that day. It could be a headache, stomach, knee, elbow, back, etc. We tell everyone we meet that day that we got up with the pain and it’s been with us all day long. We tell what we have taken for the pain and it hasn’t helped it a bit. My Bible reading this morning is from a very familiar verse, but it tells us what to do when we face one of those days. We need to ask, seek, knock at the right place to receive the help we need to overcome our issues. (Matthew 7:8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.) We often do everything except the one thing we are told to do in the Word of God: ask, that we may receive and our joy may be full. Thankfully, God wants to provide for our every need. We have the awesome privilege of “asking and receiving,” and we should always pray as a first response to every situation. Pastor Don