We had a great prayer time in the service yesterday. Prayers were prayed for people with great needs and we believe needs will be met. How many times have you prayed for a specific need in your life and ended the prayer with “In Jesus Name, Amen”? Did you know that your prayers don’t have to end like that, in fact they don’t have to end at all. You can pray continually for your needs and God listens to your prayer. At the close of the scripture in Ephesians where God is instructing us to put on the full armour of God, He instructs us to pray continually. (Ephesians 6:18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;) Praying is not making a wish list for Santa Clause. Praying is asking a supernatural God to do supernatural things in your life or the lives of others. You don’t have to ask once and then sit back and wait for an answer. You can pray continually with faith believing God will turn your situation around. Most of us are good at talking to ourselves. I talk to myself all the time while I’m doing things. I don’t have to try to talk to myself, I just do it naturally. We need to start talking to God in the same way. You can talk to God anywhere, anytime, about anything. If the Holy Spirit puts it in your mind, pray about it. Take time today to pray for the same needs we mentioned yesterday. Never stop praying. You will see results. Pastor Don [image: image.png]