Carrying on By Yourself
God will bring us safely to Him. He never expected us to carry on by yourself.
You may find yourself carrying burdens and worries alone. Job was burdened with many catastrophic circumstances. He was accused of being unfaithful to God and of sin. His wife told him to curse God. He was alone in standing on his faith. Job refused to turn from what he knew about God.
Our Lord Jesus has carried on alone. He took on the sins of the whole world. Jesus and His disciples were having much success in their ministry while His cousin John was imprisoned and facing death. Learning how to balance the bad news with the good news is the essence of faith.
John chapter 6 tells the story of a great multitude following Jesus up into a mountain hoping to see His miracles. There wasn’t enough food for all of them. The disciples saw a problem. Jesus saw needs. Phillip calculated and reported how much it would take to feed this large crowd. He showed the impossibility of the situation. Andrew found a young boy with a small lunch. He brought all that was available to Jesus.
The pandemic left us feeling unprepared. We want warning for the problems that arise in our lives. Sometimes it feels like God was too late to prevent our pain and disappointment. God is ever late. God isn’t ever unaware. We don’t know the plan. God knows the plan.
God expects us to cast our care on Him. Man was created to need God. You were never meant for carrying on by yourself. We are not enough, but God is enough. He knows the plans and they are good plans.
Our children grow to a time that they realize we parents aren’t superhuman. We will all realize eventually that we can’t carry our problems. We will realize that we don’t know how to solve our problems.
God doesn’t needle to figure out how. He needs me to find out what He has already given me. Gratitude for what we have already been given and faith in what He will provide to complete His plan is all He expects. Carrying on by yourself was never His plan.
Pub 2/26/23