Tongues and Interpretation is a message from God to the church

Tongues and Interpretations October 15 2023

Holy Spirit spoken word, tongues and interpretation, to Harvest Church of God October 15, 2023: For I have brought you from the smallness of your early beginnings. Through the decades, I’ve guided you and I’ve had My hand upon you. I’ve used you in ways like no other churches have been used. I have longed […]

Tongues and Interpretation is a message from God to the church

Tongues and Interpretations from 2007-1st Service in New Sanctuary

Tongues and Interpretations of the 3 messages given out Sunday July 8, 2007.  First service in the new sanctuary. For my longing today saith the Lord, is to baptize in My Spirit. My longing for My people is to walk in power, and walk in authority, and walk in favor saith the Lord. Have NOT […]