The rudest thing you can do is not pay attention when someone is talking to you. When we look in other directions and not at the one talking, it says we are not interested in the conversation. When you give someone your attention, you are giving them the greatest give you have to give because you time is your life. When you focus on them and look at them while conversing, it makes people feel like you care and are concerned about them. God is the same way. God wants us to focus on Him when we speak to him. (Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart) When you pray God wants your full attention and He wants to focus fully on him. We have been taught to bow our heads and close our eyes when we pray and there’s nothing wrong with this. Often, when I pray, I pray with open eyes and pray out loud. Many of my prayers are short prayers that focus solely on one thing or person. But, I try to give God my full focus and attention when I pray. I find answers most often when God is the focus of my conversation. Give Him your full attention. Pastor Don [image: image.png]