Trust Through the Impatience

Trust Through the Impatience

God works on His timeline. Impatience can lead to taking control of situations in our own strength.

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The story of Esau and Jacob plays like a TV drama. They are twins who from birth are envious of each other and in competition for validation of their place. They are from a family who repeatedly, past and present, display impatience in the promises God made to them. There are 3 lessons to be gleaned from the story of Esau and Jacob. (Reference: Genesis 27:1-46)

Impatience leads to disobedience.

In today’s world, we don’t have to wait on much of anything. Delivery, drive-thru, pick up to your car. God works on His timeline. Impatience can lead to taking control of situations in our own strength. God can still work out His plan even through the mess we create in our impatience.

If you listen to the wrong voices, you will make the wrong choices.

Advice from your family and friends should match the word already given by God. The people you surround yourself with should be those who always point you to Christ. Decisions made in emotional states can be made without waiting on God’s timeline. Your circle should be made up of people who will tell you when you are acting in strong emotions rather than in faith in God.

God can’t bless who you pretend to be.

We want to live like the world and still ask God for His blessings. Seek who God called you to be and trust His timeline. Stay in diligent prayer and believe God will give you His best.

Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”