How many times in life have we said “Lord I wish you would get me out of this mess I am in”? Just this week a man told me that the Lord was going to have to help him through what he was going through. Life would be so much easier if God removed all the mountains instead of leaving them there for us to climb. The climb is not easy and often it seem impossible, but, God always gives us just enough strength to make it to the top. God is continually molding us into who and what He wants us to be. (2 Corinthians 3:18 And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.) I have always encouraged people to get past their past, but, never run from it. The only way to gain from the past victory over the pain and disappointments of our past is to allow God to walk us back through the doorway of pain and disappointment and into the victory that only comes through Him. No one else can grant us that victory, we have to work out our on salvation. Then the mountain that you climb becomes the testimony you share to encourage others to keep climbing. When you pass your test, you are able to help others keep studying. Pastor Don