Your life. It becomes what you focus on.
3-4-19 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY… YOUR LIFE!! IT BECOMES WHAT YOU FOCUS ON!! I know people who still focus on things that happened 1-5-10-20 years ago or more. They live their lives like it happened yesterday. They have been caught in the trap of only looking at the bad that has happened to them instead of living in the blessings we receive each day. I am not implying that what happened was not hurtful, heartfelt, and devastating to you. I’m simply saying that by focusing on it daily only keeps one from experiencing the presence of God daily He wants you to know and feel. (Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things.) I’ve walked off the golf course and remembered only a bad shot I hit. I left a fishing trip and spoke only of the big one that got away. It’s a trap we can all get caught in easily. Make an effort today to see the WHOLE DAY instead of just a small portion that doesn’t go your way. Some of the greatest forward progress we make in life is overcoming something bad that happens to us. Focus on what really matters today. See Good and God everywhere you go. Your day will be so much brighter.
Pastor Don