You Are That Man

You Are That Man

You may be that man or woman who sinned but you are also that man or woman that God loves and longs to have relationship with you.

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David was a great man of God. God called him a man after His own heart. God told David He would send a descendent through him to save the world. Even still, David experienced a dark time when he was not seeking God but allowing his own desires to drive him.

David had many successes, much jubilation, was loved and honored by many people. God loved him and called him and set him to be the ancestor of many great and powerful leaders. Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a descendent of David. God consistently rescued and strengthened David during seemingly impossible times. David knew about the peace and power of God.

However, once when David was home rather than with his army in battle he fell into a battle of weakness and succumbed to fleshly sin. Deep in sin and shame he tried to cover his sin. This led to further sin. Sin will separate us from God. Sin will carry you farther from God than you ever wanted to travel.

David had an advisor who confronted him and caused him to face the sins he had committed. David faced that he was not above weakness and sin. God went to David through Nathan the prophet. God is always near. God had provided strength and peace and success. Now in his sin God was still near.

David was also that man that deserved God’s correction and punishment. In his despair and guilt David felt abandoned. But God poured out his forgiveness once David repented and called on God to restore him.

The darkness of where you are now spiritually can be lifted. With confession and repentance God will restore His Spirit to you and return you to where you were. You may be that man or woman who sinned but you are also that man or woman that God loves and longs to have relationship with you.

2 Samuel 12:1-7

Psalm 51:1-12