How easy it is to forget about everything and everyone else around us and focus on our own desires, problems, and families. We need to stop long enough during our day to realize God sees and knows what we are going through and He is the answer to the problems that we are facing today. People choose selfish methods to get their points across to others, but most of those selfish efforts only result in more division instead of unity. My Bible reading this morning talked about the importance of not going at life alone. There are great benefits in working together with other people. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. 10. For if they fail, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.) Everyone one of us will need a hand at some time in life to encourage and lift us up. At the close of previous church services we have often joined hands throughout the entire congregation and said to one another that if you ever need me for anything I’ll be there. You can count on me. We were not designed to do life alone. We were not designed to do church alone. We are not the only denomination on their way to heaven. We need other people we can love, support, help, and encourage them, and they can do the same for us. When we unite as one, work as one team, we will see our city changed for the glory of God. Pastor Don