Where Will Salvation Take You

Where Will Salvation Take You

Salvation is a powerful energy flowing from God and is never static. It is always taking you out of something and taking you to somewhere.

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The book of Isaiah tells about the arrival of a king, a prince of peace. In the twelfth chapter, Isaiah describes his praise for the salvation of God and the praise he offers for His gifts. Salvation means deliverance. Salvation through Christ is our only opportunity to escape the wrath and judgement of God.

Salvation can be experienced like a spring of water from an inexhaustible well. This gives cause for praise and singing. Everything we do should be in exaltation of Jesus. Miracles happen when we praise.

Salvation is a powerful redemptive energy flowing from God to us ward and is responsible for moving people from the place they are. Salvation is never static. It is always taking you out of something and taking you to somewhere. Salvation through Jesus Christ will bring you out of darkness and into His light. He always has a plan and a goal for you.

1 Thessalonians 5:9
For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.

Where will salvation take you?

Salvation will take you into holiness.

Salvation will alter your life. No man can receive Jesus and remain the same. Jesus becomes Master and Lord.

Salvation will take you into the harvest.

Sharing the  gospel is a mark of genuine salvation. Jesus called us to be busy letting our lights shine for Him. Every Christian is a witness either for or against Jesus. Which are you?

Salvation will take you into the house of God.

Salvation is always accompanied by a desire to gather with the saints and to worship the Lord. There will be a desire to praise, worship and adore the Lord. Jesus went to church.

Salvation will take you to heaven.

Salvation is the key that opens the door to heaven.

Salvation is always taking you further. Carrying you to be stronger, more faithful, and serving more.