Every day we have things attempting to take up our time. Family, church, work, children’s activities, hobbies, community activities, holidays, and places we volunteer all want a piece of the pie. How do you determine where and when to do which of these activities? How do you determine what is important to you? How do you know if you have your priorities in the right alignment? It’s not what society uses as their determining factor, but, God put it very clear to us how to keep our priorities in proper order. (Exodus 20:3 You shall have no other gods before me.) The easiest way to know if you have your priorities in order is to simple take note of what you think about the most. What occupies your mind usually occupies your time. You will always make time for what you want to do, no matter how busy you may be. If you want to get it done, you will make a way. If you ask God, and allow the Holy Spirit to direct your life, you will see your priorities begin to fall in proper order. You can not serve God and still play Satan’s games. You can’t please God and still do worldly things. You can’t be a tool for God and a tool for Satan at the same time. Only God can direct your life in a path that is prosperous and useful. (1 Thessalonians 5:23 Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again.) Serving God is a serious matter. It is not a game. Yes, we need God’s grace everyday, but we also need to make wiser choices with our priorities to be a useful vessel. Pastor Don [image: image.png]