Tongues and Interpretations October 15 2023
Holy Spirit spoken word, tongues and interpretation, to Harvest Church of God October 15, 2023:
For I have brought you from the smallness of your early beginnings. Through the decades, I’ve guided you and I’ve had My hand upon you. I’ve used you in ways like no other churches have been used. I have longed to do special things through you and in you, that would astound others that look at such things. I the Lord have been your strength and I have been your energy. And I have by My power by My Spirit made your influence felt. I continue to love you. You are My people and My hand is upon you. And I will not remove My hand from you, until I have completed that for which I called you so many decades ago. I sent revival then, I’ve sent revival often times. And I the Lord will send revival unto you. I will do miraculous things in your mist saith the Lord. And I will change the lives of those who seek Me and those who are drawn to My saving grace. For I the Lord am with you, I will go with you, stand by you, and strengthen you. Be bold saith the Lord. Preach the Word. Support the Word. For in preaching the Word revival will come to your homes and your families and your children and your friends. I the Lord am your God and I will not forsake you.
2nd Interpretation:
For the hour has come and the time is urgent saith the Lord. That that thou doest thou must do it quickly. For the hour draweth near when the sound of the trumpet shall awake sleeping saints. And you who are alive will be caught up to meet them in the air. For the coming of the Lord is very near saith God. Seek My face while there is time. And I the Lord will revive and restore and reveal [in Je..] in the name that you call the name of Jesus. [In the name that you call the name of Jesus.]