Tongues and Interpretations from 2009
Transcription of the Interpretation – June 28, 2009
[The 1st sentence or two was not recorded for transcribing]
…… I am invited into their midst, and I have come in among you. And I have come today to bless you, and to strengthen you for in My presence there is fullness of joy. Bring yourselves before Me, present yourselves before Me saith the Lord. And I will do for you what no other power can do. I will do for you if you will present yourself unto Me, holy and unreserved give yourself to Me I the Lord will do with you that that will heal you, that that will bless, that that will inspire you, and that that will strengthen. For My purpose and My plan for you is a good plan, and it’s a blessed plan, and I long to give good gifts to My children and I long to do good things in your life. Present yourself to Me with your whole heart bring your gifts bring your covenants to Me saith the Lord, and I will strengthen and bless you in your steadfastness.
Transcription of the Interpretation – Sunday AM Aug 2, 2009
For the race at times is long and difficult. But My grace is sufficient for thee saith the Lord.
Transcription of the Interpretation – Sunday AM Aug 30, 2009
For I am desirous of a peculiar people that are zealous of good works, saith the Lord. Seek Me, and you will find Me. Listen, and I will speak to you. For they that hear My voice and know My voice will I withhold with My right hand and I will establish there goings and I will give them a name upon the nations as My people.
Transcription of the Interpretation – Sunday AM Oct 4, 2009
Think not that I am oblivious to all that is going on saith the Lord. For I am very aware of the time and I am very aware of the culture. Have I not reminded you over and over that I the sovereign God am in charge of all things and that nothing exists without My permission. I am still the head of My church and I am still quickening the hearts of My ministers and I will raise up a standard against the enemy roaring and raging in like a flood. I will charge them that obey Me to go forth and preach the Word and sing the Lord’s song of redemption and salvation and deliverance. I will have a voice and I will have a people and in that day when I make up My jewels they shall be Mine saith the Lord.
Transcription of the Interpretations – Sunday AM Oct 11, 2009
For I’ve sent this Word of caution and alarm to My people this morning. That ye may know that I the Lord am a covenant God. And I keep My covenant with My people. Be strong and walk with integrity before Me saith the Lord, for the day of My coming is at hand.
Think not that it is a long time and I have many more days to wait. For I the Lord have prepared the stage and I have gathered the characters and the final act is ready to take place. BE BOLD AS A LION AND PROCLAIM MY WORD AND BE MY PEOPLE. For I the Lord will confirm you and I will sustain you and stand by you and bless you through My spirit saith the Lord.
[Transcription November 1, 2009. Spoken by Pastor, Interpreted by Bro. Ford ]
For as I was I am and for as I am I’ll ever be. I am thy God, open your hearts open your understanding and I will bless you beyond measure.
Transcription of the Interpretation – Sunday AM Nov 22, 2009
For I the Lord, I am your rock and I have instructed you, to praise and worship Me, and to live a life of thanksgiving before Me, and I have promised that I will deliver you and you would glorify Me. Cast your care upon Me saith the Lord, you that put your trust in the Most High, and I will reward your faith with answers to your prayers and solutions for your problems.