We have everything imaginable to help us get through a day more easily, yet I hear people everyday talking about how tired they are. You would think we are back in the old days when people got up before daylight and did manual labor until dark. People who are always talking about being tired can’t imagine what previous generations did to provide for their family. So, how do we get through the day? Where do you find the help to do the things you need to do? David said he found his help in the Lord. (Psalm 29:11 The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.) We need to be aware of the strength God gives us today. We need to be aware of His present provisions He is providing, as well as for the future. David said of God in Psalm 28:7…I am helped; therefore my heart greatly rejoices, and with song I thank Him and praise Him. David didn’t say that I will be helped, he said I AM HELPED. Godly help will strengthen us to behave in a godly way, even as we have to trust Him to meet our needs. We can rejoice in His presence and praise Him for HIS HELP. Tell someone something good that God has done for you, then watch God move in the presence of your praise. You will feel the help of God’s hand throughout your day. Pastor Don [image: image.png]