Most of you know that Mikki and I spent the last few days helping our children move into a new field of ministry in another state. We enjoyed meeting their pastor and his wife and worshiping with them on Sunday in their new church. Yesterday, as we were leaving to come home, our feelings changed several times. We were excited for them and their new opportunity. We were saddened to see them move 3 states away. You run so many questions through your mind about the what if’s of life. Then this morning my devotion spoke straight to my situation. We are not dependent on one another nearly as much as we are dependent on God. If we do what he directs us to do, then everything will work in our favor. he wants what’s best for us. (1 Corinthians 16:13 Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.) Maybe this week has started out as one of those weeks, nothing is going the way you wish it was, and you are asking so many questions. God loves for you to talk to him about those things. He always knows just what to say and do to give you confidence that He is in control. Stand firm in your faith and enjoy the presence and power God gives us during those tough times. Take time today and pray. God loves hearing from His children. This may be a week where God uses you like never before. Pastor Don