When I was a child, if my mother met someone who was grumpy she said, they must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Some people just start their day off on the wrong foot. They get out of bed looking for things to be bad instead of anticipating a great day. There are some who want to start the day off good, but, as soon as something doesn’t go their way they change tunes. The rest of the day they limp around grumbling and complaining. When you fully realize that God is there to walk through the day with you, your outlook on life will change. (Psalm 94:18 When I said, My foot is slipping, your unfailing love, Lord, supported me.) I can assure you that something will happen this morning that could change your good day into a bad day. There are little things that we can not avoid in life, but, we don’t have to let them destroy the joy of our day. We simply look to God for support. God’s unfailing love will strengthen you so that you can handle anything life throw’s your way today. If you start you day in God’s word, then you can’t have a bad day. There will be no bad days when God’s Word supports, strengthens, and direct our steps. Your day will start right and it will end right. Pastor Don