A lot of the TV shows now are about restoring and remodeling old houses. It’s amazing to see the ideas they come up with to do a total makeover of a house. They can take something that is worthless and make it worth hundreds of times more than before. God does a similar work on us when we give our lives totally into his hands. God withholds nothing from those who seek him first in their lives. (Matthew 6:33 But seek you first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.) So what is God’s kingdom? The Bible says the kingdom of God is in us. If you’ve accepted Christ, that means He’s living in you, and He wants to live in a good spiritual home. That’s why your inner life is so important to God. We must seek first His kingdom, letting His Holy Spirit take hold of us on the inside. When we allow Him to work in us, eventually we won’t be able to contain it, and it will spill out and change the world around us. Does you life need a total makeover? Why not invite the Master Architect to give you the plan he has for you? God’s plan will change us inside and out. God’s plan will leave nothing unfinished and those around us will want to know who performed your work. Seek God first in your life and you will find your life will change instantly. Pastor Don