AUGUST 4th….PEACE COMES FROM GOD!! Do you know people who live in a miserable state of mind all the time? They struggle to think of anything good that is going on in their life. They choose to attach themselves to people who also live in misery. The old saying, “Misery loves company” is the way they live each day. Satan will have you feeling and thinking this way everyday if he can. But you have the ability to change your mind and live in peace if you turn your thoughts over to God. God is a God of peace. (Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and mind through Christ Jesus.) Peace of mind is valuable, and it is quite impossible to enjoy life without it. Seek and pursue the peace that is yours through Jesus Christ. Don’t be deceived into believing that you can’t help what you think, because you absolutely can. You can change your mind about anything! Practice “on purpose” thinking instead of being passive and merely waiting to see what thoughts fall into your mind. God will give you peace like you have never known. Pastor Don [image: image.png]