[image: image.png] The instruction are included in products that we purchase unassembled. They are included in the package so the item you purchase, when assembled, will look like the picture on the box. The challenge is left up to us. Will you read then instructions. The choice is yours. Do I follow the instructions and build it like the instructions say, or do I attempt to assemble it with my own knowledge. The Bible contains the instructions to construct your life. The challenge again is yours. Do you read and follow instructions or attempt to make it in life on your own. (James 1:22, 25 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 25. but whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it, not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it, they will be blessed in what they do.) When the Bible speaks of obeying God, it is not a suggestion. God doesn’t ask us “Will you follow My instructions for your life?” God commands us to be a doer of His Word and not just a hearer. The wonderful things about following God’s instructions is that He promises we will be blessed. If you want to become a useful, finished, person God can use you must follow His instruction for your life. It’s God’s command, not just a suggestion. Pastor Don