Today’s devotion spoke right to our hearts. It’s so easy to get cross with people who do things we do not like. It’s so easy to let division come between us and people who do not see things our way. God tells us that we are not to bear a grudge or seek to get even with others, but our only responsibility is to love our neighbor. (Leviticus 19:18 Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord) God says that we are not to bear a grudge, but we are to do things that help others. God tells us many things in His Word that we can do to bless, encourage, strengthen, and uplift one another that doesn’t take much time and it doesn’t cost much money. Try some of these things today and see if your world doesn’t start to change. Pray for one another. Give others the benefit of the doubt. Look for kindness you can express to others. Be friendly, hospitable, and patient with one another. Be tolerant of others faults and weaknesses (we all have them) Be happy for other’s successes. Believe the best of one another. The ideas listed here are relatively simple things we all can do if we are willing. We don’t have to make special plans for most of them, but can do them throughout the day as we have opportunities. If you will do these things you will see a big turn in your week. Happy Monday! Pastor Don