We live in a world where we never have enough. We are always wanting more. I recently watched an insurance commercial where the clients was bragging about getting more. In one ad the client was a weight lifter and gained muscle with each more he received from the insurance company. The next commercial the client was cutting grass and each time he talked about more he received from the insurance company, the bigger his lawnmower became. There is nothing wrong with wanting more. Everyone wants more, but, where do you go to find more. The world makes big promises about giving you more, but, never fulfills those promises. There is only one place to find more, that is where more has always come from and that is God. God is the only one who can promise more and fulfill his promise. (Ephesians 3:20 Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.) There is more to life than where you are today. There is more to church than what you are experiencing today. There is more for your marriage, family, and other relationships than what you are experiencing today. Put God first in your life, seek His will for your life, walk in His purpose for you life, and watch your life come alive! There is more for you. God is ready to give you more. Pastor Don