One thing that is missing in our society is loyalty and longevity. It seems as soon as one company trains a person to do a job they are leaving to make another nickle somewhere else. The same is true with homes today. Fifty percent of all marriages end up in divorce. There is no desire to work through issues and keep our vows. Church is even influenced by our society’s lack of sticking power. (Hebrews 10:36 You need to perservere so that when you have done the will of God, ou will receive what he has promised.) Marie Moates spoke at Harvest’s Mothers Day a couple years ago. She said she had been at Harvest 70 years. What a phenomenal statement of faithfulness that is! In a world where people change churches as often as they change clothes and for the same reasons, that is unheard of these days. If the Church is ever going to make a difference in this world, then we are going to have to be different from this world. ( Philippians 2:15 That you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.) You will have to learn to accept people’s differences and be willing to work through problems that arise to ever experience longevity. Be the LIGHT!! Be FAITHFUL!! Don’t conform to the world’s ways. Pastor Don