My devotion this morning morning was on the visit Jesus made to Mary and Martha’s home. Martha and Mary worked to prepare for His visit. When Jesus arrived, Martha spent the entire time working and providing for the guests. When Jesus arrived Mary stopped and sat and listened to what He said. (Luke 10:39 She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what He said.) Jesus did not tell Martha that her working was wrong. God expects us to work. God provided us the jobs we have and expects us to work as if we were working for God. Jesus said that Martha was too consumed with work that she didn’t take time to listen to His teaching. Martha missed out on keeping the main thing, the main thing. Make sure you allow God an opportunity to speak to you today. If you are too busy to listen to God, you may be too busy to receive your miracle. Work hard today, but, find time to read your Bible and listen to God. Pastor Don