Know Where Your Help Comes From

Know Where Your Help Comes From

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The Bible honestly tells us we will be faced with temptations and troubles. But you can know where your help comes from.

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The Bible honestly tells us we will be faced with temptations and troubles. The Bible also tells us the Holy Spirit will always be by our side. But you can know where your help comes from.

Psalm 34:19
Many are the afflictions of the righteous: But the Lord deliverers him out of them all.

He is the maker of the heavens and earth.

In Psalm 121:1-2 the author asks and answers his own question. He names the one and only God. The God Who made heaven and earth as his help in times of distress. What is happening around us should not dissuade or distract us from the confidence we can have in Him.

Psalm 121:1-2
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.

He does not sleep.

You can worship your way out of feeling like there is no way out of a situation. Worship will draw His Spirit to you. He desires to be with us and worship will enable you to feel his presence. He’ll give you a song in the darkest of nights. When you call out to Him, everything changes.

Psalm 121:3-6
He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepers thee will not slumber. Behold, he that keepers Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.

He is our protector.

Get in position to receive His best. Fix your eyes squarely on the source of your help. When your eyes leave the course of your help, they focus on the mundane and the ordinary and we become overwhelmed by the troubles of the world. Keep your gaze above the distractions of this world. God is our protector. Keep your eyes on Him.

Psalm 121:7-8
The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.

God is the maker of the heavens and earth, Who does not slumber, and will indeed guard, keep watch, and protect us.