Culture has taught us that it doesn’t matter what you do or how you handle the little things in life. They only look at how we deal with the big things we face. It’s not how they look at you doing big things in life, it’s how you know yourself in the small things you deal with. How often have we made the statement about someone that they just could not handle the temptation? When it come down to integrity, they failed the test. Most people think that integrity is revealed in the BIG things that we do in life, but just the opposite is true. Integrity is shown in the way we handle the SMALL things, the things we think no one sees. Leadership is revealed in the way we handle the big things in life. (Luke 16:10 Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.) There is an old saying that I have heard all my life, “A leopard can’t hide its spots.” This is true throughout all of life. If you can be trusted with little things, then you can be trusted with the big things. If you can’t be trusted with little things, then you can’t be trusted with the big things. Do the little things well and there is no limit to where you can climb. After all, it is God who is watching you right now. Show Him how well you do the little things. Pastor Don