Strife is one of the main weapons Satan uses against God’s children. Satan likes to start the smallest flame and then encourage us to add fuel to the fire. If we refuse, the fire goes out. If we add our fuel, the flames rage out of control. (Proverbs 17:14 The beginning of strife is like releasing water; Therefore, stop contention before a quarrel starts.) There are three ways we add fuel to the fire. With our mouths. We say the wrong things to the wrong people at the wrong time and a fire results. With our pride. A proud heart refuses to keep silent and a proud heart has to have the final say on a matter. With our opinions. When we try to convince others to see things our way we usually create a disaster. Stop falling into Satan’s trap. Learn to keep silent when you words and opinions aren’t needed. The enemy is trying to infiltrate our lives through unnecessary strife. Let’s make a commitment not to be part of Satan’s army. Let’s strive for peace and be understanding. Life will be much better if we will and God will be honored. Pastor Don