What or who is the biggest influence in your life? All of us have, or had, someone or something whom we have chosen to be like. Or, in some cases, our greatest influence in our life was someone or something we were determined not to be like or do. Either way, there was an inspiration that impacted our life in such a way that it altered the path we may have otherwise chosen. The way we pursue those influences determines our success or failure in so many areas of our lives. Our families, our jobs, our friends, our choices, our goals, and our successes in life are all dependent upon our influences. David said that my influence leads me in a way that I have everything I need in life. (Psalm 23:1-2 The Lord is my shepherd; I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside the quiet waters.) Can you say that about the influences in your life? Can you say my influences leave me so satisfied that I can’t think of anything that I need? People will offer you a lot of influence and give you more advice than you can sort out. Some of the advice and information may be good, some may not be so good for you. God never influences in any way that is not prosperous for your life. Everything God leads you into will advance your cause for living. It’s important to allow God to become the number one influence in our lives. Then, and only then, will we be able to say that I have everything I need to make it through life with a purpose. Pastor Don [image: image.png]