The storms have passed, the damage has been done, and now the cleanup and rebuilding begins. This is a repetitive news report for our communities in Alabama. Surrounding communities have been hit hard by the storms. College, churches, businesses, homes, and individuals have suffered great loss during this latest group of storms. There are many people who are in need. I am always amazed at how many and how quickly volunteers rally to help out a neighbor, a community, or a town in time of need. I heard one EMA say yesterday that they had to turn down volunteers because they had so many. What an expression of God’s hand extended to those in need! God encourages all of us to lend ourselves to others when they are going through troubled times. (Romans 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, this is your true and proper worship.) Paul spoke of the church at Corinth as people who gave more than their money, they gave themselves to God and to others. Paul was amazed at how they were willing to give to God and to lend a hand to those who needed it. There is something all of us can do at a time like this. We can give money, time, tools, etc. Friday, March 23rd, Harvest will be a relief station to give out supplies to those who need help because of the storms. Help spread the word. We want to do what we can for the victims of the storms. In times like this, it is so uplifting to see people give of themselves to help others in need. Lend a helping hand today. Be the hand of God extended to people who need you. Pastor Don