[image: image.png] I recently had two friends face life-challenging situation. One was a church member friend who went through a very trying time for him and his family. It started with him being afraid of what was going to happen, but, ended with him saying everything was going to be alright. Why the change? God spoke to him and told him everything was going to be alright. God spoke peace to his life. I had another golfing friend who was facing a similar situation. He was afraid he was going to die. His situation turned around and he told me that everything was going to be alright. Why the change? He told me God was with him now. Hearing from God and having God walk through difficult situations is not a fairy tale, it is a reality. God is still much alive and wants to walk through the valleys of death life brings our way with us. (Psalm 112:7-8 They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Their hearts are secure, they will not fear; in the end they will look in triumph on their foes.) Your fears will scream at you, unnerve you, keep you awake at night, threaten you, and cause you to not want to face tomorrow. Fear can only be overcome by listening and trusting God’s voice when He speaks to us. God will speak in a still small voice or God will yell it as loud as He needs to in order to get you to hear Him. Listen to God’s voice. Trust what He is saying is true. Don’t let bad news derail your life. Only God holds your future in His hands. It doesn’t matter what others say, listen to God and put your trust in Him. Pastor Don