The following steps are designed to guide you in accomplishing your goals of educating your student(s) from your home with Harvest Church of God Homeschool as your church school covering. Links to complete each step have been made available. We are pleased to join you in your homeschool journey. CONTACT HARVEST HOMESCHOOL if at anytime we may be of assistance.

WITHDRAWAL FROM HARVEST HOMESCHOOL COVERING – Should you choose to enroll in another church school covering, private, or public school, this form must be printed, filled out, and sent to Harvest Homeschool. A copy of this form will be mailed to you and to the school board in the district in which the student resides. No refunds for incomplete semesters will be given.

TRANSCRIPTS: Harvest Homeschool are offered the opportunity to participate in the CHEAHA Homeschooling group graduation ceremony. That information will be sent when made available to Harvest Homeschool. Seniors are approved for the graduation ceremony when grades and attendance reports are submitted before the graduation date. Additional fees are applied at registration to cover transcripts.

Please be advised, not only are instruction and grade assignment the responsibility of the parent, but record keeping is ultimately the responsibility of the student’s family. Please keep copies of all reports in your possession.


* POSTAL MAILING: For payment please make payment out to Harvest Homeschool and mail to P.O. Box 1888 Anniston, AL 36202.  

** NEW STUDENT: A new student is any student who was not enrolled the immediately previous school year regardless if that student was ever previously enrolled with Harvest Homeschool or if other children within the same family were enrolled with Harvest Homeschool. Withdrawn student records are archived, to avoid duplicate records, please comment if your student has ever been enrolled with Harvest Homeschool.

***Registration for the next school year will not be processed until  grades/attendance for the previous year are submitted.