How many of you know someone who only talks about how bad they have it? They are always telling you how bad the things are that they are going through? No doubt, some of their struggles are real and they need support as they deal with them, but, their minds dwell only on the negative. Can you imagine walking along with Jesus and all he talked about was how bad life was going to be for him? Can you imagine Jesus only talking about the suffering and price he was going to pay for other’s sins and how unfair He was going to be treated? No? Me either! Paul wrote to us in our devotional verse this morning that we should not allow our earthly problems to derail our purpose for God. (Galatians 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.) To “become weary” in doing good is to let our mind be over ran with our daily struggles. Paul suffered daily with a “throne in the flesh,” but he never gave in to the battle. Paul encouraged others to praise God and be grateful for the opportunities God has given you to serve him. When you go about complaining about how tired we are or how much you suffer, you put yourself ahead of your ministry. Don’t grow weary in doing good deeds. Don’t allow Satan to put those words in your mouth about yourself. Make an effort today to only speak of the good things of God. Before long, your selfish feelings will fade and the world will only see the Glorious Light of Christmas shining through you. Hang in there! Keep your chin up! Pastor Don [image: image.png]