I was in our local Walmart and I could hear a child screaming across the store. I had to pick some items up in that area, so I got to see the child in action. The parent finally gave in and put the item in the buggy and the child stopped crying. I thought if that child was mine, I would have taught it a lesson right there in the store. The child was only using the method it knew would work to manipulate the parent into getting what it wanted. How many times have been guilty of doing the same thing. We get mad or pout until we get what we want. We all love to get our way don’t we? Today’s devotion teaches us to seek God’s way instead our desiring our ways. (Psalm 25:4 Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths.) Most of us are happy when we get what we want. That’s human nature. But when we walk with God as we should, other things become more important than seeing our desires fulfilled, things like seeking God’s desires for our lives, hearing His voice as we make decisions, and being obedient to His leading in every situation. The only way to win in life is to do things God’s way. Then, even if we don’t get what we want, we have the great satisfaction of knowing we have obeyed His voice, and that outlasts the satisfaction that comes with any earthly possession or achievement. Pastor Don