The baby eagle spends the first three months in the comfortable confines of it’s nest, then it is in for a big surprise. First the mother takes out all the comfortable lining of the next so it begins to be uncomfortable. Then she nudges them out of the nest to fall toward the ground. She swooshes down to catch the baby eagle who has not idea how to fly and carries it back up to the nest for another try. The mother eagle repeats the process until the baby eagles have no choice but to learn to fly. It’s that mother’s love for the baby eagle that drives her to her trying until the young eagle can spread it’s wings and soar. (Deuteronomy 32:11 Like an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young, that spreads its wings to catch them and carries them aloft.) We are like the baby eagle, we always choose comfort over challenge when giving the opportunity. Do you feel God pushing you today? He is trying to get you to spread your wings and fly. God is leading us to do new things we have not yet done. Reach out to people we have never reached out to. God is saying to all of us, “Come on, it’s time to fly!” Just remember the mother eagle’s intentions and know that God is only doing what is best for you. Pastor Don [image: image.png]