We face the option daily of praying and turning everything over to God, or, worrying about things that we can’t do much about on our own. When we worry about things, we are saying that we think we can solve our own problems better than God can solve our problems. We were not created to be problem solvers on our own, we were created to depend on God to help us through life. When we tell God, he cares about what we are going through and he loves to help us through our issues. (1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.) Stop just a moment and imagine your life without worry and anxiety. You can start today and live a worry free life. Invite the Holy Spirit to reveal to you each time you attempt to solve you problems instead of casting them off to God. When you feel you are starting to worry about things going on in your life, immediately cast them off to God. You will enjoy life so much more, because you will have made God the LORD of your life. You will be totally depending on him for your daily bread. After a while, you may even find it difficult to worry because it is not in your nature any longer. If God knows what to do, why not lean on him of direction? Pastor Don