We are limited in what we can do by our physical and mental makeup. Some people handle some things better than others, but no one handles everything well. Everyone has their limitations, no one can do everything or handle every situation that life sends our way. We all reach the point of not knowing what to do in life when various situations occur. We often find ourselves in or near panic mode because we are no longer in control of our situations. God encourages us daily to cast all our cares on him because he cares for us. There is a song that says when it’s over my head, it’s still under his feet. God is always in control. (Psalm 91:2 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.) Think about it, the truth is we’ve never been in control when it comes to life’s most critical elements. The only thing that holds us up and keeps us going is the grace of God. He has and will always be there for us in our time of deepest heartbreak, our darkest moment, and our heaviest burdens. God has no limitations. There is nothing God can not handle. Fall into the arms of your loving Father and let Him carry you through this difficult season of your life. God is our refuge and fortress, we can trust in him. Pastor Don