APRIL 19th… FRESH START!! WE ALL NEED IT!! How many said last Friday, “Thank God it is Friday, I can’t wait for my weekend.” Then, yesterday morning arrived and we realized we were starting out another Monday morning still tired, worn out, exhausted, and mentally fatigued. We’ve never taken time to get away from the pressure, stress, and worries that life brings on us. We have to learn to rest and relax our minds and our bodies. Church is usually a GREAT place to let our minds relax from our cares and enjoy our relationship with God even more, but the current regulations prohibit us from joining together. There is still a way to relax. (Psalm 62:5 Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.) If you have spent your weekend worrying about things bigger than you, trying to solve work issues not yet faced, or wasting your time doing things that were not important, you start out your new work week exhausted, frustrated, and still looking for answers. Find you some God time and see how much more refreshed you feel on this Monday morning and how much better your work week starts. Jesus said in Matthew 11:28–30 that if we are overburdened, weary, and worn out, we should spend time with Him and see how He handled life. He promises to give us rest. The Amplified Bible’s translation of these verses indicates that the type of rest He is talking about is refreshment, renewal and blessed quiet for our souls. Jesus is really offering us a vacation for our souls, our inner lives. Find it with a short devotion time to start your Monday. Pastor Don