I have visited a couple zoos throughout my life with my children and grandchildren. We have seen all the animals and even had opportunity to feed some of them. Of all the interesting animals that a zoo may have, not one of them was created to live it’s life in pens. How often do you find people who are working a job or doing something in their life that they really don’t enjoy? It’s surprising how often their situation is explained by an event that happened that caused their wings to be clipped. My devotion this morning was how a child of God should enjoy their life, soar high, and enjoy the journey they are on. (Isaiah 40:31 But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.) There are many eagles today living in a chicken coup, grounded and pent up when they should be free and flying. God has so much more for His children than what most are experiencing and expressing right now. Eagles are never happy on the ground. They were created for open air, blue skies, and soaring high above those who are chained in by Satan. Show the world that you are not a yard animal. Show them what a mighty God you serve and express the freedom God has placed in your heart by sharing it with others. You have been set free to fly and you have been given energy to run. Pastor Don