I have gone on many weight reduction efforts throughout my life. It always seemed that I could do really good for the first few weeks, then the thought of food and eating came back on a regular basis. I had to fight to keep those thoughts away. I talked with a recovering cancer patient this week and he said how hard it was not to dread and worry about it returning. All addicts that I have spoken with tell the battles they fight with their thoughts. The devotion verse this morning gives us a key to defeating those powerful negative thoughts. (Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praise worthy, think about such things.) You have a defense against your negative, defeating thoughts. You can fill your mind full of good, positive, thoughts. Every time a evil desire attempts to capture your mind, push it out by thinking of the good reasons you chose to stop. You can change the way you think in a short time if you make a constant effort. Fill your mind full of all you’re blessed with. It leaves no room for other thoughts. Pastor Don