How many times has someone told you that you were not going through your problems alone? How comforting was it to you to know that God is by your side and walking through the unknown times of your life with you? It is like a child that is afraid of the dark. They will not venture into the darkness by their side, but, if someone will go with them they suddenly become brave enough to face their fear. You and I can be brave enough to face our fears in life because God has given us the Holy Spirit to walk with us daily. (2 Timothy 1:7 For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.) Brave means to be courageous, bold, daring, intrepid, fearless of danger, like a brave soldier. The way to conquer your fears today is to confront it and do the thing you think you are not capable of doing. If you remain afraid to attempt it, you will be its prisoner all your life. When we step up and face our fears, we find that most of it was something we had made up in our mind. It isn’t nearly so fearful as we have imagined. If you want to be free, face your fear. You don’t want to be a prisoner all your life. Bravery to overcome your fear comes when you ask God for His help, trust He is with you, and face the darkness head on. Don’t fear this! You are not alone! Pastor Don