It is easy for us to get caught up in things we think we have accomplished in life. We often fail to give proper credit for our abilities, accomplishments, and successes. The fact is that everything you have in life, including your life, our families, our friends, our jobs, houses, automobiles, the ability to see, the ability to hear, the ability to eat, your freedom, your thoughts, everything you are or will become, you owe to God. You would not take your next breath if it weren’t for the goodness of God. You wouldn’t exist if God hadn’t made you to love you. My Bible reading this morning spoke to my heart. I was reminded to give thanks for everything I have because without God I would be nothing. (1 Corinthians 4:7 For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?) When we forget God’s goodness, we start claiming credit for things God has done. The rich man in Luke 12 thought he had built his wealth all by himself. He failed to acknowledge God’s blessings on his life. God called the man a fool and told him that tonight you are going to die and everything you think you have gained will be given to someone else. Prideful ingratitude is the source of all our sins. When we stop being thankful to God for His blessings, we always get into trouble. You may have worked harder than others, put in long hours, sacrificed other pleasures, and were very dedicated to your goal, but it was God who gave you strength, stamina, and the wisdom to accomplish your plan. The truth is that we are nothing without God. Everything I have and will ever accomplish in life I owe to God. Don’t let this self-seeking world we live in cause you to fail to recognize the source of every blessing you receive. What do I have that God didn’t give me…..NOTHING!! Pastor Don [image: image.png]