[image: image.png] I preached for a friend yesterday who was away in a conference. I met a retired minister who had recently started attending that church. He told me how much he needed to hear the sermon and then told me he was speaking last night for the same friend. As we talked, I found out he and his wife was only a few years older than we are. Life has not been kind to them. All 3 of their adult children have died with sicknesses. They are raising grandchildren after their children’s passing. I was so encouraged as I left the church yesterday. Not from others telling me they loved the sermon, but by the testimony I heard of how God was sustaining and using others who had suffered such loss. It’s important for us to encourage one another. Your testimony can be the greatest encouragement a person can receive. Don’t ever stop sharing it with people God puts in front of you. (Romans 14:19 Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.) What you go through in life can be very difficult on you, but, when you share how God has helped you make it through that time it blesses others. Encourage someone today by your testimony. Share a sincere, heart felt compliment with at least two or three people you are around today. It’s important for others to hear. Pastor Don