If you have ever competed in any organized sport or activity, you know that it takes hard practice to perform well when the event takes place. You don’t simply walk out on the day of competition and do your thing. If you try this, you will certainly be embarrassed by your performance. You have to accept the fact that it takes being willing to go through a short time of pain and practice to enjoy long term gain and performance. My devotion this morning talked about how Moses was willing to go through a short time of suffering and pain for the long term gain it would bring to him and the children of Israel. (Hebrews 11:25 He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin.) Why is it so hard for us to choose to suffer for a short time inorder to experience long term gain? We want instant gratification. We want to have what others already have, but we are not willing to put forth the effort others have put obtaining their goals. I want it. I want it now. I want it easy. That’s the mentality of the world and is becoming the mentality of churches as well. Life simply doesn’t work like that. Moses said, I am willing to go through whatever it takes with God people to get to where God wants us to be. Are you willing to suffer short term? Put forth pre-game effort and work to reach new levels? If you are, then God has a land of promise and blessing ahead for you. Pastor Don