Culture’s Affect on Preaching
Information alone won’t bring transformation and standing to preach doesn’t guarantee disciples are being made. What has been culture’s affect on preaching?
Cultural trends are affecting the preaching in churches, especially if the church hasn’t been changing a thing. Our nation once was proud to profess “in God we trust”. In recent times, the church is in a situation of illness. It is getting weaker and has less influence. What has been culture’s affect on preaching?
First trend: A decrease in biblical literacy in the US
Preachers must show that the Bible is both true and that it impacts life. Just knowing won’t save you. There has to be belief and response.
1 Corinthians 1:18
For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
Second trend: Inconsistent church attendance
Maybe it isn’t that the church is dying but that our attitude toward church is in trouble. These cultural issues shouldn’t be stumbling blocks but something we just breeze right through. At one time, it there was anything going on it was happening at the church. Church won’t always be fireworks. The one sufficient reason for attending church is God.
Third trend: Declining respect for pastors
Addressing the issues in culture will make people uncomfortable. When the word of God is preached it creates a promise. He promised to go with you if you’ll preach His word. How do you preach to a culture that doesn’t want to hear?
- God said to humble yourself under the pressure of the culture. Live genuinely, honestly, and under the authority of scripture.
- The Bible is relatable to today’s issues and culture.
- Embrace vulnerability. People can tell if you are a growing Christ follower.
- Pursue holiness. Seek Him. When you find Him, He’ll answer your prayers. He’s anxious for you to pursue Him.
There will never be a need to play charades or wear a mask with Him. He created you. He knows you. God will become the most important thing in your life. Once you experience Him you’ll understand the joy in walking with Him every day all day. Call on the name of Jesus and trust Him.