Disagreements can happen over the smallest things. I’ve seen arguments that focused on things that really didn’t matter very much. We think we are arguing over different ideas or opinions, but, most arguments are really over our emotions. Someone’s feelings have gotten hurt by others actions. Somebody felt unappreciated, unwise, slighted, and their emotions is what prompted the arguing. It is not the idea that started the arguing, it is their feelings. When attempting to settle conflict and arguments, we need to admit our part first and then consider others. Settling arguments and conflict is not just about your opinion, you have to let other people share their heart also. It’s the only way to fully erase the problem. (Philippians 2:4-5 Not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. 5. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:) People who are hurting, hurt other people. They lash out at everybody else. People who are not hurting don’t hurt others. People filled with love are loving toward others. People who are filled with joy are joyful toward others. People who are filled with peace are peaceful toward others. But people who are hurting are going to hurt others. If you want to connect with people, you must start with their needs, their hurts, and their interests. A good salesperson doesn’t start with their product, they start with the customers need. If you want to help other people out of the situation they are in today, you have to consider their interests first. Take time today to listen to others and see if you can help them out of the conflict they are facing. Pastor Don [image: image.png]