Identifying the Holy Spirit

Identifying the Holy Spirit

God has promised to pour out His Spirit on all who call on His name. Can you identify the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit?

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The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Godhead

God has not only promised His Spirit, He desires to pour out His Spirit on us. There is no spiritual understanding apart from God’s revelatory intervention in our mind and heart. To know the Father is to know the Son, and to encounter the Holy Spirit a seeker must receive the wisdom that begins with the fear and reverential awe of God.

There is one Godhead consisting of three persons

Each of these persons have the same attributes but different roles to play in what the Apostle Paul calls the “mystery of godliness”. The Holy Spirit has been mistaken as a force, a ghost, and a secondary or replacement god. Can you identify the Holy Spirit? Holy Spirit is God. The Holy Spirit speaks and hears, comforts, testifies of Jesus, intercedes and prays, directs ministry, teaches, reveals and searches, comforts, encourages, helps and leads into the right path, flows like a river, anoints with power, falls on believers, dwells in believers, helps our infirmities, empowers our preaching, and secures us in Christ by baptism. The Holy Spirit’s main purpose is to lift Jesus and help us worship Jesus.

Hebrews 11:6

1 John 5:7

John 3:8

1 Corinthians 2:14

The Spirit’s Participation in the Redemptive Provision

The Holy Spirit leads us to truth. Our sin saddens and angers the Spirit of God. The Spirit can be quenched causing the Spirit to be grieved and withdraw His guidance. The Holy Spirit will not strive where He is not wanted. He will not be rejected or blasphemed.

Colossians 1:15-20

Titus 3:5

1 Corinthians 2:9-14


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