12-18 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY…BODYGUARD!! MY ENTOURAGE!! Have you seen the sign in a yard that says protected by _____ security? I know you have watched celebrities, authorities, and politicians arrive at a location with all their bodyguards and entourages surrounding them. The group of people are there to protect them and to filter who is able to make contact with the person. Have you ever considered the fact that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit work each day as your bodyguard and your entourage? (1 Peter 1:5 Who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.) God is watching over you every moment of every day. Your life and everything that happens to you is God-filtered, even the difficult things caused by your sin or the sins of others. God can still use those things for his good. God is constantly protecting you. When you find yourself feeling like you are in a hopeless, helpless, or powerless place in life, you know that is a lie. There is never such a place as long as your bodyguard and entourage is God. The word “shielded by God’s power is a military term that means to send soldiers to a place to protect it. They surround the place, staying there to guard it. In the same way, God is there today to surround your life and protect you. In faith, trust God to protect what belongs to him. Pastor Don [image: image.png]