My devotion this morning was about Jesus clearing the temple, cursing the fig tree, and teaching the disciples how important their faith was going to be for them to walk where God had for them to walk. Life bombards us with many difficult times and happenings. Just when you think your life is going good, something happens that turns us upside down. It is easy for us to have faith in God in the good times, but, it is in the hard times that our faith is most important to us. (Matthew 21:22 If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask in prayer.) Before God fulfilled the promise to make Abraham a great nation, God first changed his name. His name was changed from Abram, which means high exalted father, Abraham, which means father of a multitude. There was no visible evidence of the promise when Abraham received his new name from God. Abraham had to believe the promise God had made to him. You and I have to receive the promises of God before they are evident in our lives. We can speak God’s Word over our lives before there is any visible evidence to anyone else. Faith is the most important factor in receiving what God has for us. Have faith and claim God’s promises today. Speak them over you life and the lives of your family. You faith will move mountains. Pastor Don [image: image.png]