I have heard that Santa has a list that he keeps of whether we are naughty or nice since I was a child. Often, that list was held over our heads as a way to make us make better choices, or do what we were told. The problem is that as we began our walk with God, we often think God has that same type list. We think God puts us on a naughty or nice list and deals us accordingly. Think for a moment, did you ever think the child you were raising was going to be perfect? God also knew we were not going to be perfect when he sent His Christmas gift to the world. Our faults and failures did not keep God from wanting to show His love to mankind. (1 John 4:9 This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.) I’m so thankful our relationship with God isn’t dependent on our perfection. It is determined by the perfect gift of Jesus, that God sent to all of us. The love God extended to us through His Son Jesus is the basis of our relationship with Him. Enjoy your Gift of Christmas today. It will free you from your “performance” mentality. There is no naughty or nice list. It’s “Child” or “Not a Child.” Pastor Don [image: image.png]